Medford, NJ (PRWEB) | June 25, 2014

In 1670, William Penn presided over meetings to help settle the area of what would eventually become historic Medford, New Jersey. This will continue as always in 2014, but with one notable change – official township meetings will now be video streamed over the Internet.

Medford Township has partnered with Swagit Productions LLC to provide this streaming media service using Swagit’s Extensible Automated Streaming Engine (EASE). EASE is a Hands-Free Video Streaming® solution that will record and index township meetings, then post online for the public to view on Medford’s new website,

Archived township meetings are indexed with break points throughout the meeting, allowing residents to jump to specific meeting topics relevant to their interests, and skip past other topics if they so choose. And as part of Swagit’s EASE system, all of Medford’s webcast videos are viewable on any device – computer, smartphone, tablet and more – capable of webcasting video, allowing residents to keep abreast of Township business whenever and where ever convenient for them.

Medford is also utilizing Swagit’s Cosmos-Lite, a one-camera recording solution that will remotely record and transmit video to Swagit for processing with just the push of a button, creating a completely hands-free end-to-end solution for displaying town meetings online.

This pairing of EASE and Cosmos-Lite has essentially formed an automated media station inside Medford’s Township offices that requires no additional time or resources from Medford Township staff, or even knowledge of the inner workings of internet media webstreaming.

Medford has opened the viewing of Township Council meetings to the public in a more accessible and convenient way than ever before, yet accomplished this without requiring additional staff to manage this process, or burdening current staff with time-consuming additional responsibilities.

Said Christopher Schultz, Medford Township Manager, “The Governing Body’s intent was to make the Township Council meetings and the business of the Township available to a greater residential audience in order to maintain their objectives of an open and transparent municipal government. The introduction of the Swagit’s EASE system into an overall re-design and enhancement of our website, we believe, will help us achieve our strategic vision for better utilization of our website in service to Medford residents.”

From William Penn in the 1600’s to streaming internet media in the 2000’s, history and progress continues to take place in Medford Township.


About Swagit:
Swagit Productions, LLC specializes in providing hands-free video streaming® and broadcast solutions to local, state and federal government agencies as well as other online entities. This eliminates 100% of the labor required in producing professional and easily accessible streaming videos for meetings and newscasts.