CVUSD Offers a New Standard of Board Meeting Accessibility by Streaming Live Video with Swagit Productions, LLC as a partner.

 Swagit Productions, LLC is excited to announce that they are helping to make it EASE-y for the public to view Conejo Valley Unified School District’s Board Meetings live or on-demand via their computers and other mobile platforms with video playback.

Located in California, the Conejo Valley Unified School District – with over 19,000 students in 27 schools – needed a new way to leverage and enhance district communications. CVUSD partnered with Swagit Productions, LLC to stream live video and offer on-demand viewing of school board meetings on their website. Swagit also assisted with an integration with the latest technology of paperless agenda solutions that makes it simple for residents to access a meeting by date or by agenda items.

“With our partnership – CVUSD will be more accessible, transparent and offer an EASE-y way for Conejo Valley residents to be engaged with their school district,” says Michael Osuna, Swagit’s North American Director of Sales. “The CVUSD Board Meetings can be accessed from the Conejo Valley Unified School District’s Board of Education web-page and clicking on Board Meeting Videos- Watch Live.”

By increasing transparency and accessibility, CVUSD is taking a step forward in increasing their level – and reputation – as a transparent and an environmentally conscious school district.

About Swagit Productions, LLC:

Swagit Productions, LLC, based in Dallas, TX, provides hands-free video streaming® and broadcast solutions to local, state and federal government agencies. Swagit pioneered the COSMOS™ Broadcast System – a complete package of PTZ (Pan, Tilt and Zoom) cameras and professional video-switching equipment that enables any client to fully outsource the production, operation and distribution of HD or SD multi-camera broadcasts for public meetings. Swagit’s progressive online, mobile and social platform solutions include the Extensible Automated Streaming Engine (EASE™): a hands-free webcasting® system for public meeting indexing, agenda integration, archiving, on-demand playback and the innovative sound search™. Swagit’s focus is on emerging technology and relevant avenues of distribution – for example, Swagit’s PEG (Public, Education and Government Access) portal and app featuring HD viewing, social media integration and on-trend resident engagement. To request a personalized demo, visit